Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Roster

Here's some of my recent happies:

1) This guy!! (bet ya could have guessed this one):

I don't think I've ever been that excited to see someone in my life. Such an incredible weekend. And I'm going to Charlotte to see him on Friday! Two weekends in a month? It's frickin' Christmas or something.

2) Amorino Gelato:

I have been wanting to go to this place since I moved here. It's NYU famous. It's also the most expensive shit ever, so I saved it for sometime special, like Evan being here.

They make it into a flower! And you get as many flavors as you want. I got stratiacella (sp?), strawberry, cinnamon, vanilla, and I don't remember what else.....

3) Seeing old friends in new places:
My friend Rachel was coincidentally in New York this weekend too! Evan and I met her and her friends at this dive bar in Midtown, which was awkward because we had just come from Wicked and were WAY over dressed....

So fun to see my girlie.

4) Jeni's at Dean and Deluca:

If you know anything about me and Evan Moskal, you know that our relationship is founded on a firm foundation of Jeni's ice cream. We literally went twice a week when we lived in Nashville. LO AND BEHOLD. They have Jeni's at Dean and Deluca in the freezer section. It's not quite the same as the store, but I kid you not when I say we both almost cried..... we are really kind of passionate about ice cream. It's uncomfortable. 

5) New Yumiko leotards:

If you are a dancer, you can just skip this because you already know.
Yumiko is the best leotard company of all time, and they know it and they charge like it. My momma was sweet enough to get me TWO gorgeous new ones when she was here last month. This one is definitely my favorite. Makes me feel like a real New York Dancer.

Hope your Wednesday isn't dreary!
Look out for more Evan and Abby adventures.

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