Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Roster

Hey loves,
You guessed it.
Here are some happies.

1) Yogo Trucks:

Fro-Yo is big in Nashville, but for some reason in New York (or maybe just the NYU area????) it is pretty much the hottest thing since the ass. I have no idea why, but I'm really on board.

These trucks are literally EVERYWHERE. And they're DELICIOUS. Everywhere + Delicious= Dangerous.

2) Seductive St. Marks Signage:

Thank you for entertaining me always.

3) Cute Old Men:

I know that sounds weird, but if you know my family, you know that we have a particular proclivity (Harry Potter reference anybody?) for loving cute old men. They're our favorite, so naturally, I stalk them.


{he was clapping to street musicians. cuteness level= epic.}

4) Beautiful Residences:

Someday. SOMEDAY.

5) Bassclat:

My childhood friend Charlie is a senior in Tisch and he teaches the BEST jazz/funk/hip-hop/contemporary/????? classes of all time. I love them and I get to hang out with really talented seniors which makes me feel moderately special. Check 'em out.
Kat Graham
Ellie Goulding
Remy Ma

6) This bucket 'o' fun gets here in 2 1/2 DAYS. I don't think New York is ready........

{god I pick the good ones}

Happy Wednesday! Hope you enjoyed my silliness and excessive alliteration. I'ma go write my paper.

1 comment:

  1. Love this post ... love yogurt, love little old men (almost hugged a complete stranger last week, love the funny signs, love the ridiculous homes we can't afford, love that hilarious pic of Evan. Looks like ya'll had a blast! Call me before you head to Charlotte. Miss you!
