Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A Solstice of Sorts (a note on Summer)

Hey friends. So as I'm sure you've noticed, I've taken a break from posting over the past month. It wasn't a super intentional thing, but between the patchy internet at my house in Nashville and the general normalcy of my everyday, I decided to take this past month to enjoy time in my hometown and with my family.

But tomorrow I head back to New York to meet up with my man and start a new year and I'm sure I'll have lots to share.

Thanks for reading and for staying.
Until next time (which will be soon),

Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Roster

Hey y'all! Sorry this Roster is a day late. We had a birthday dinner for my brother and step-brother at my house last night, so I was busy all day with that. Better late than never.

1) Reaping the benefits of my fledgling bartender boyfriend:

2) The first big cake since my return from NYC:

3) Digging through family treasures with Honeymamma:

4) Sundays in the park with Zoey (and Evan):

5) I'm a very introverted person, which a lot of people don't believe because the majority of people don't understand what really distinguishes an extrovert from an introvert. This article from the Huffington Post explains it really well.

Happy rest of your week!