Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Roster

The Roster is back!!!!

Here are some happies for this very rainy day.

1) The Cold:

This is kind of a half happy, because the cold kind of sucks, but coats, scarves, boots, and hats do not.

Trying to learn how to layer for the city!

2) Bring It On the musical:

THIS WAS FANTASTIC. It closes soon so go see it if you can. It's ridiculous the things these people do with their bodies. And the music was pretty good which I wasn't expecting. Go go go!!!!
Neil from So You Think You Can Dance!!!! He was a great addition to the cast
Andy and I before the show.
{Free People lace dress}

3) Pomme Frites:

This place is literally ten steps from the Tisch Dance building (oh the irony). They have these amazing fresh fries and a million different sauces that you can try. We got the rosemary garlic mayo.

Nom Nom Nom. Carbo-load

4) Cure Thrift Shop:

This is like two blocks from my dorm. It's an impressively well curated thrift shop with some of the best home-ware and furniture that I've seen. Plus, profits benefit Diabetes research. Check out their website here.

Pretty things that I want for my future apartment

5) Yoga to the People:

AWESOME FREE YOGA. Super trendy, super free, and super close to where I live. There's nothing like being packed in a room with fifty sweaty hipsters to make you feel the New York spirit.

Real life New York City yogi
{Lululemon leggings, Splits59 pullover and tank, adidas sneaks, Lululemon duffel}

Feels good to be posting again!!
Hope everybody is dry and warm.


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