Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Roster

Here are some things cheering me up this week:

1) Seeing great shows for cheap:

I saw two great shows this weekend. Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind was put on by the Neo-Futurists. They essentially do 30 plays in 60 minutes. Hard to explain, easy to enjoy. Check them out here

I also saw Art, by Yasmin Reza. One of my teachers directed it so he got us in for cheap! Wahoo! It was also really quite great.

2) Liquiteria:

Oh lord this place is the best. They make all these incredible juices and smoothies and it's all very very fresh, very very tasty, very very expensive, and very very a block away from my dance classes.... It's going to become very very hard to avoid.

{Peaches 'n' Dreams. nom nom nom}

3) Barre bars (I know how weird that sounds):
{"Black Swan", the chocolate berry is my fav!}
So I found these through the magic of pinterest. They're these bars that were made by two dancers for dancers. They're yummy and nutritious, plus they have adorable packages and they're ballet themed. They're not available in a lot of place, but you can get them here

4) Sweater weather (kind of):

{no idea where I got that sweater. sorry guys.... my bras from Target??}
So, it gets up to like, 74 degrees still during the day, but then it gets down to  62 at night. What's my compromise? BACKLESS SWEATER. sorry dad.......

5) This makes me laugh my ass off and cry simultaneously. I'm so confused.

Three more days till the weekend, team.

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