Friday, September 27, 2013

High Times

I had my Nikon all charged up to document our adventure to Chelsea and the Highline last weekend... until I pulled it out and realized something in my bag had flipped the switch on three hours prior and the battery was totally dead. Thus, the instagram diary.

I got a lot of weird looks doing this. Also, some Canadian guy took this picture with his super wonderful professional camera, showed it to me exclaiming how great it was, and then promptly refused to email it to me..... So much for Canadians. Also, if you are balletically inclined, please ignore how technically not good this is. It was windy and that bench was bumpy.

If this looks familiar to you, thanks for reading my blog for this long. If not, go check out last years post on the Highline here.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Roster

1) Breaking in my new crock pot with some chili:

2) Updating my resume with some fancy fonts:

3) Delicious noodles at Ippudo last Saturday:

4) Reading an original script from In the Heights:

5) You're welcome: 

Happy Wednesday!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Getting Crisp

Fall hit New York in a big way this week. It's easily my favorite season for many reasons, predominantly among them- LAYERING.

It was 58 degrees the other night so I made Evan go to the park and take pictures of my outfit and he was a really great sport about it.

{On Abby: American Apparel crop top and skirt, American Eagle sweater, Gap jacket, Urban Outfitters necklace, Frye bag and boots, Target knee socks}
{On Evan: Jack Spade jacket, Gap tee, Levi's, Frye boots}

I forced Evan into a picture because we unintentionally wore matching outfits. It was pretty creepy. I also made him take a picture because I find him enjoyable to look at.

"Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall." - F. Scott Fitzgerald

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Roster

Y'all. It is FALL. Bring on all the pumpkin and all the sweaters.

1) One of my favorite images I came across last week on the anniversary of 9/11:

2) A well earned, internet free, phone free, breakfast date with myself:

3) This big hulking Jersey looking guy helping this cute old lady cross the street, and in doing so, restoring my faith in humanity:

4) Discovered grilled cheese heaven on 13th St:

5) Chipotle's new infomercial/ commercial is like the lovechild of a Pixar film and Food Inc. and I am all about it (I might have teared up at the cow part):

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Sister Sister

Today is my beautiful big sister's birthday!!!

And in honor of that, I wanted to make sure y'all know about her FABULOUS blog Styling My Everyday.

Appropriately, Katie's blog is the grown up big sister to mine. A collection of entertaining ideas, recipes, local hotspots, and lifestyle pieces, all beautifully photographed and presented (like my logo? yeah that was her), Styling My Everyday is what Tennyc would be if it got a raise, a husband, and cooking skills.

If you're a stylish Nashville lady (as I know many of my readers are) her blog is a must read. She always does features on great Nashville retailers, restaurants, and events.

Make sure to check her out and send happy birthday thoughts her way!
I love you, Katie! Thanks for being your fabulous self. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Roster

1) Catching the last bits of summer (but I am so ready for fall):

2) Pop up Saturday flea markets:

3) Learning to cook:

4) One of the most moving things I've seen in a while:

Happy Wednesday!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Fresh Prospective

Spent Saturday afternoon and night exploring Park Slope with Evan. We are most definitely fans.

More than anywhere else in New York, Prospect Park felt the most like Tennessee to us. There were even people playing country music and barbecuing.

{vintage blouse, vintage necklace, American Apparel shorts, vintage boots, Frye bag}

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Not Your Daughter's Jeans

Right before I came to school, I shot my mom's headshots for her up and coming voice over business.

I'm usually the one in front of the camera for headshots, but I loved being on the other side and I'm really happy with the results. If I look half as good as my mom does when I'm her age, I'll be doing pretty well.

If you're in NYC and need cheap headshots, hit a girl up!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Moving On Up

A week ago I moved into my new dorm. While it's only a few blocks from my old one, it's definitely an update- I have my own room! We moved everything in in one day, that's including putting things on walls, hooking up electronics, everything. I thought Evan was gonna kill me, but we got it done.

Let me preface by saying, I am a nester and nesters come with a lot of stuff. But to me it's more than just stuff. I thrive best when I have a place to come home to that I enjoy and that inspires me. For me, that means things looking beautiful and being in their place. I love the way staging small things like picture frames, perfume bottles, and candles (don't tell my RA), can automatically make a space feel homey.

Function and fun is the name of the game folks.