Sunday, January 13, 2013

All Around the World

I had never even considered blogging about awards show fashion, but I'm sitting here watching the Globes, and I'm like "but wait!!! I can!!"

Please allow my indulgent behavior and here are my thoughts.

The Excellent:

Amy Poehler
Sucks to suck Will Arnett. Sucks to suck.....

Jennifer Lawrence
I adore her (see my previous post for proof). I love the stunning color and simple shape that shows of her gorgeous HEALTHY body. 
Julianne Hough
I don't think she is particularly great. But this dress is.

 The Notable:                    

Anne Hathaway
I would have listed this as excellent if not for one thing: I understand that she had to lose 25 lbs. for Les Mis, and she was absolutely phenomenal in the film. BUT, filming is over and this is scary. I love that dress, but I can't love it on that body. She can afford such nice cheeseburgers and Chanel can afford the extra yardage. *rant over*
Jessica Chastain
I love her. And I love this color. I do not love that she looks five months pregnant and she is sporting a formal butt part. 
Helena Bonham Carter
Her shoes match. And she is so smug about it. On anybody else this would be horrible, I hope everybody understands that I realize that.

The Terrible:

Sarah Hyland
Such a waste of a cute girl on a mother of the bride dress and a Real Housewife hairdo.

Lena Dunham
Those are some really great aubergine curtains. (But I still really love Girls so lets be friends and I'll help next time)
Giulianna Rancic
OH MY GOD WHY. I usually love what she wears. It looks like her boobs are crying. On a similar note to Hathaway, alarmingly thin. I really just want to take them both to Baskin Robbins and be like "It's okay, really." We can all pray about it. It will be great. 

I'll keep adding this if I see anything really notable. Yay awards season!!!

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, Jessica Chastain, why the fatal disregard for a stylist? And the hilarious photobomb going on behind her. Classic!
